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jdd's List o' Broken Links

A curated list of links that used to go somewhere interesting, culled from the "List o' Links".

There are 9 web sites listed here.

The Frugal Webserver
A web site running (intermittently) since 2006 on a 386SX-16 built from spare parts. Photos, radio history in Portland OR, gopher server, etc. [Update 2024-06-09: Although it's a little hard to say for sure due to the intermittent availability of this server even when it was still active, it's been down long enough that I fear this time it ain't coming back.]
date added: 2022-03-08
date removed: 2024-06-09
tags: radio gopher history oldserver

Collection of Slide Rule replicas
A fine collection of carefully hand-crafted slide rule simulators/emulators, implemented in javascript by Dr. Robert Wolf.
date added: 2023-01-30
date removed: 2024-05-11
tags: sliderules computers

Non commercial travel stories from Douwe
Travel stories, place descriptions and photos, by former airline employee "Douwe Dabbert" (real name Pieter Hendrik de Boer). Bangkok to Zimbabwe, and many places in between. Winner, Best of the Web (Bronze), 2001. Sadly not updated since 2004, when the author passed away.
date added: 2022-09-10
date removed: 2024-02-18
tags: travel

Vistaserv is a grass-roots web hosting initiative hailing from Thornbury, Australia, inspired by the quirky web of the 90s, right down to the pixellated fonts. They allow users to create old-school homepages for free, some fine examples of which are linked from the main page of the site.
date added: 2022-11-25
date removed: 2024-02-17
tags: homepages retro

You Don't Need HTML
Sir Tim lied to you. [A really nice use of Unicode for layout rather than HTML markup. Sorry to see this one go.]
date added: 2022-12-04
date removed: 2024-02-16
tags: humour hypertext unicode

Phil. and Pat. Storr's home page
Detailed descriptions and photos of various hobbies, including a collection of classic radios, a ham shack, model trains, classic cars, and a variety of electronics projects. Also a collection of related technical articles, and check out the PC Hardware Book, current as of 1998 or thereabouts.
date added: 2022-09-03
date removed: 2024-02-15
tags: radio electronics computers homepages
A wondrous collection of information relating to Emergency Preparedness, Radio, Internet protocols, gopher, software, games and links to offbeat and interesting sites. In operation from 1992 through May 2023.
date added: 2022-01-01
date removed: 2023-10-01
tags: directories

Archie Query Form
Search FTP servers with the venerable Archie search engine, first developed at McGill University in Montreal! This implementation hosted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw.
date added: 2022-04-19
date removed: 2023-03-25
tags: ftp search

Centronian BBS
A Commodore 64 BBS running on a real C64, in Victoria BC
date added: 2022-01-06
date removed: 2023-03-24
tags: computers bbs retro commodore