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jdd's Home Page

"an error occurred while processing this directive"

Welcome to my personal web space.

No longer new! My phlog, cyber scrapheap, is one of the many fine gopherholes on the SDF gopherclub

I am on Mastodon,

See my Fowl Place archive. 10 years of utterances all on one convenient web page.

Since you are visiting my home page, you must want to see a picture of my cat:

Posterized headshot of jdd's cat

Or view The Horror, a minor work of personal digital archaeology. Better with javascript.

While I'm figuring out what else to put here, please enjoy this ...

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Last updated: Saturday, 07-Sep-2024 22:12:47 UTC
This pretty much meaningless counter has been updated 53985 times!

The <marquee> tag is deprecated.
Internet Free Zone Level 1

This site briefly belonged to:
The Yesterweb Ring
... before it became a "horrid monstrosity of users"