jdd's Home Page
"an error occurred while processing this directive"
Welcome to my personal web space.
No longer new! My phlog, cyber scrapheap, is one of the many fine gopherholes on the SDF gopherclub
I am on Mastodon, @jdd@mastodon.sdf.org
See my Fowl Place archive. 10 years of utterances all on one convenient web page.
Since you are visiting my home page, you must want to see a picture of my cat:
Or view The Horror, a minor work of personal digital archaeology. Better with javascript.
While I'm figuring out what else to put here, please enjoy this ...
List o' Links (Recent additions)
A curated list of old-school, non-commercial, hand-made websites in the 90s vernacular. Survivors of the Web As It Once Was, and sites that preserve the spirit of it.
See the full List o' Links here. Now with tags and descriptions!
Here are the five most recent links:
The Canterbury Tour
A tour of the City of Canterbury, consisting of over 500 pages, each with a photo and text, all linked to a clickable map. Site originally dates from 1997, with some updates since.
date added: 2025-03-23
Bill & Sue-On Hillman's ERBzine
Has the tagline "Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site." On the web since 1996 and updated continuously to the present day. There's a lot here.
date added: 2025-03-02
Friends of CRC
The Communications Research Centre (CRC) is the Government of Canada's applied research centre for advanced telecommunications. Established in 1994, the Friends of CRC is "an association of CRC alumni and others who have an ongoing interest in the well-being and public image of CRC, as well as in social and technical activities." Lots of great historical information about the development of telecommunications in Canada.
date added: 2025-02-23
The Remington Steele Fan Page
A comprehensive guide to the classic 1980s TV series starring Stephanie Zimbalist and Pierce Brosnan. Episode guides, cast bios, photo galleries, articles and more! On the web since 1996.
date added: 2025-02-22
Lexis Rex
Online language learning tools, resources and games. Play hangman in Latin!
date added: 2025-02-09
See the full List o' Links here.
The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format.
A few links have been removed since I started this project, see the List o' Broken Links for details.
Other People's Bookmark Lists, Etc.
- Marginalia - Search the Internet
"This is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren't aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed." Update, January 2025: Note new URL. And wow, this search engine keeps getting better all the time!
- Wiby
Similar to Marginalia (not sure which came first), another search engine focussing on the academic, personal, hobbyist sites characteristic of the early web. Somewhat more limited in scope than Marginalia, due I think to more rigorous curatorial principles. Strongly favours sites with limited to no JS/CSS, excludes sites with intrusive ads.
- Ytoo!
A portal site dedicated to "English content with a retro vibe". Looks oddly familiar, somehow ...
- Curlie
The successor to/continuation of dmoz (see next entry) Curlie aspires to be the largest human-edited directory of the Web. It is run by volunteer editors.
- Open Directory Project
An archive of the well-known community-sourced hierarchical DMOZ web directory. Begun (as GnuHoo) in 1998, it ceased operation in 2017 after some years of fairly minimal maintenance. Although many (most?) of the links are broken, you can still find some interesting things here.
- The Retro Network
A website dedicated to providing links and downloads for old computers. Limited bandwidth? Computer can't quite manage HTTPS? These links are for you.
- datagubbe.se
A bookmark list maintained by Carl Svensson: "Most of the links are to pages interesting to people who, like me, are fascinated by vintage computing and also probably a bit grumpy."
- 404PageFound
So, pretty much the same idea as my "List o' Links" here but begun twelve years earlier and with a much nicer gallery style presentation. Interestingly, a number of the sites are the same as the ones I've stumbled across while looking for links to add to my list. I'll keep updating the "List o' Links" though as 404PageFound does not seem to be actively maintained anymore.
- tekk.in directory
Also the same idea as my "List o' Links". I'm beginning to think I'm not as original as all that. In any case, the tekk.in directory has links to a lot of great sites that have somehow eluded me up to now, so check it out!
- Gossip's Web the directory of handmade web pages
Websites made by people
- Low Tech Webring Directory
"This webring is for homepages of people who are interested in low tech, small game tools, and other forms of Web 1.0 inspired creativity"