A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.
The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!
7 sites tagged with humour. [Show all sites]
The Internet Oracle
Formerly known as "The Usenet Oracle", the Internet Oracle has been on the web and actively maintained since 1996. It is described as "a collective effort at humor by the denizens of the internet. Questions mailed to the Oracle are forwarded to other Oracle users, who serve as an "incarnation" of the Oracle by providing a witty answer to the question."
date added: 2024-10-25
tags: humour
Pokey the Penguin!!
A webcomic about the odd little adventures of an odd little penguin.
date added: 2024-08-05
tags: comics humour
Files in /:
Some ASCII Art cows
date added: 2024-06-02
tags: animals art humour
Michal's omake: User Friendly archive
An unofficial archive of J.D. "Illiad" Frazer's classic webcomic, brought to you by Michal Sapka. Experience the distilled essence of late-90s geek zeitgeist.
date added: 2024-05-18
tags: comics humour
date added: 2023-07-30
tags: humour surrealism
Inquiring minds need to know
date added: 2023-07-29
tags: humour
The Tao of Programming
"When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave."
date added: 2022-02-16
tags: programming humour