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jdd's List o' Links

A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.

The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!

3 sites tagged with bbs. [Show all sites]

The Hacker Crackdown
Bruce Sterling tells classic tales of Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier. Phreaking, Hacking, and Real Cyberpunk in the World Before the Web. Highlights include the origins of the EFF, and indeed, some of the backstory of SDF, in the chronicle of the "Killer" UNIX BBS.
date added: 2022-11-06
tags: cyberpunk bbs unix history infosec
"What this site offers is a glimpse into the history of writers and artists bound by the 128 characters that the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) allowed them. The focus is on mid-1980's textfiles and the world as it was then, but even these files are sometime retooled 1960s and 1970s works". Brought to you by the indefatiguable Jason Scott.
date added: 2022-02-12
tags: art writing bbs history software

Metropoli BBS files
Old software,demos and drivers hosted on the Metropoli BBS in Helsinki, Finland
date added: 2022-01-11
tags: software bbs