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jdd's List o' Links

A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.

The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!

4 sites tagged with unix. [Show all sites]

The Hacker Crackdown
Bruce Sterling tells classic tales of Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier. Phreaking, Hacking, and Real Cyberpunk in the World Before the Web. Highlights include the origins of the EFF, and indeed, some of the backstory of SDF, in the chronicle of the "Killer" UNIX BBS.
date added: 2022-11-06
tags: cyberpunk bbs unix history infosec

Simon Tatham's Home Page
Home page of Simon Tatham, a software engineer and free-software author in Cambridge, UK. Best known (to me, anyway) as the author of PuTTY, Simon Tatham has also written numerous other utilities, games, fonts, algorithms and essays, many of which are linked here.
date added: 2022-09-30
tags: unix software homepages programming games

Coping with Unix, a Survival Guide
"An electronic survival kit for coping with the complexities of a scientific computing project from start to finish under a Unix operating system." You might think Unix documentation dating from 1993 would be obsolete, but hey, Unix is timeless.
date added: 2022-03-14
tags: computers unix

Cool, but obscure X11 tools
A small collection of tools for the X Window System.
date added: 2022-01-02
tags: software unix retro