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jdd's List o' Links

A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.

The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!

6 sites tagged with tv. [Show all sites]

Iain Fisher
Parent site for sub-sites focussed on Ken Russell, Sarah Kane, Athol Fugard, Steven Berkhoff, Zakes Mokae, and a discussion forum (still active!).
date added: 2023-12-01
tags: theatre film tv

The Valve Page
A gallery and compendium of information about old radios and television sets, brought to you by collector and restorer Jon "Jonz" Evans. Pictures, descriptions, technical data, history and more.
date added: 2023-07-05
tags: tv radio electronics history

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
A fairly comprehensive fan site dedicated to the popular and critically well-regarded sf TV show, dating from the years the show was originally in production (1993-1998). Does not appear to cover season 5.
date added: 2023-06-11
tags: scifi tv

The Unmutual: The Prisoner news website
Looking for information? Specifically, about the 1960s spy-fi TV show, "The Prisoner?" The Unmutual has you covered, with essays, articles, news, fan fiction, interviews, photos & art, and more! Just remember: questions are a burden to others. Answers are a prison for oneself.
date added: 2023-05-08
tags: tv scifi

Chez Inwap
Cat pictures, PDP-10 info, and probably everything you'd want to know about ReBoot, the 1990s computer animated television show.
date added: 2022-04-19
tags: cats tv computers homepages

Starring the Computer
Computers in movies and television. Ever wonder what computer they used in "Three Days of the Condor"? Here's where you find out.
date added: 2022-04-18
tags: computers film tv