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jdd's List o' Links

A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.

The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!

15 sites tagged with scifi. [Show all sites]

The Humanoid Homepage
"A long time ago, in a dodgy Italian studio ... " A fan site celebrating the wonder that is The Humanoid, a 1979 spaghetti space opera starring Richard Kiel.
date added: 2023-11-11
tags: scifi film

Mens Temporum
The personal site of Rob, in Kent, England, who records "Incidents in my life which have suggested that at least some of my arbitrary decisions and whims may actually be inspired by my quite unpredictable thoughts in the future." A well written meditation on how stray thoughts and coincidence might point to a higher reality than the one we know.
date added: 2023-10-01
tags: surrealism scifi writing

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
A fairly comprehensive fan site dedicated to the popular and critically well-regarded sf TV show, dating from the years the show was originally in production (1993-1998). Does not appear to cover season 5.
date added: 2023-06-11
tags: scifi tv

Harper's Tale Home Page
The home page for a text-based online role playing game ("MOO"), simulating Anne McCaffrey's Pern from her Dragonriders of Pern books. Online since the 90s, the game server is still accessible via telnet.
date added: 2023-06-10
tags: games oldserver scifi

Mimosa Online
The webified version of a fanzine "very much devoted to the preservation of the history of science fiction fandom," published from 1982 through 2003 by editors Nicki and Richard Lynch. Six-time winner of the Best Fanzine Hugo, the list of contributors reads like a "who's who" of science fiction fandom of that increasingly bygone era.
date added: 2023-06-03
tags: scifi fandom history

The Unmutual: The Prisoner news website
Looking for information? Specifically, about the 1960s spy-fi TV show, "The Prisoner?" The Unmutual has you covered, with essays, articles, news, fan fiction, interviews, photos & art, and more! Just remember: questions are a burden to others. Answers are a prison for oneself.
date added: 2023-05-08
tags: tv scifi
Personal site of the well known author, painter and mathematician Rudy Rucker. A comprehensive compendium of essays, stories, author notes, paintings, blog posts, podcasts, and more.
date added: 2023-04-22
tags: cyberpunk scifi literature

The Last Deadloss Visions
"An enquiry into the non-appearance of Harlan Ellison's THE LAST DANGEROUS VISIONS, written by Christopher Priest." Ellison's follow up to his two much acclaimed "Dangerous Visions" anthologies has been scheduled for publication "real soon now" for the past 50 years, a condition persisting even after the death of the editor. SF author Christopher Priest's fascinating account of endless delays and broken promises dates from 1987, with revisions up to 1994 or so.
date added: 2023-04-09
tags: scifi history

Ellison Webderland
The official home page of the late Harlan Ellison, author of sf classics such as "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", and the notable Star Trek episode "City on the Edge of Forever". Site contains a miscellany of writings, photos, bibiliographies, reviews, etc. Begun in the mid-90s, updated until 2012 or thereabouts.
date added: 2023-04-02
tags: scifi

253: a Novel for the Internet in Seven Cars and a Crash
"This site is the original 1990s encoding of the prize-winning hypertext novel 253: A NOVEL FOR THE INTERNET IN SEVEN CARS AND A CRASH. The internet version and the book 253 THE PRINT REMIX went on to win the Philip K Dick Award for Best SF Novel not published in hardback." Add, may I add, this site is totally awesome and you should check it out for sure. A great use of hypertext as a literary medium.
date added: 2023-01-15
tags: literature hypertext art scifi

The Leepers' Homepage
Home pages of Mark and Evelyn Leeper, and their MT VOID sf club newsletter. Movie reviews, book reviews, sf convention reports, travel writings, and more, going back decades ... the Leepers have been at this a long time.
date added: 2022-12-20
tags: scifi homepages fandom film

Galactic Central
Indexes over 9400 fiction magazines with issue checklists and cover images. A separate section covers author bibliographies focussing on sf, horror and fantasy authors. Also hosts/mirrors several sites related to pulp magazines, etc.
date added: 2022-09-19
tags: pulps scifi

Ex Astris Scientia
A Star Trek fan site, begun in 1998 and actively maintained and updated into the present. Intelligent, balanced reviews of every episode of every official series and movie up to almost the most recent ones. Interesting articles about Star Trek science and technology, and much more. Created and maintained by Dr. Bernd Schneider.
date added: 2022-08-01
tags: scifi startrek fandom

Alexei Panshin's The Abyss of Wonder
A great collection of essays by a noted science fiction author, critic, and historian. Many historical essays on Golden Age science fiction, with a particular emphasis on Robert A. Heinlein. Includes the full text of Panshin's controversial Hugo-award winning book, "Heinlein in Dimension." Update, 2024-02-16: Alexei Panshin passed away in August 2022, but the site is being maintained as he left it, with a slight change to the URL.
date added: 2022-05-30
tags: scifi history

The Fanac Fan History Project
"This site is devoted to the preservation and distribution of information about science fiction and science fiction fandom. There are fanzines, photos, and all sorts of strange and wonderful information about fandom's past."
date added: 2022-05-20
tags: scifi fandom history