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jdd's List o' Links

A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.

The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!

7 sites tagged with literature. [Show all sites]
Personal site of the well known author, painter and mathematician Rudy Rucker. A comprehensive compendium of essays, stories, author notes, paintings, blog posts, podcasts, and more.
date added: 2023-04-22
tags: cyberpunk scifi literature

253: a Novel for the Internet in Seven Cars and a Crash
"This site is the original 1990s encoding of the prize-winning hypertext novel 253: A NOVEL FOR THE INTERNET IN SEVEN CARS AND A CRASH. The internet version and the book 253 THE PRINT REMIX went on to win the Philip K Dick Award for Best SF Novel not published in hardback." Add, may I add, this site is totally awesome and you should check it out for sure. A great use of hypertext as a literary medium.
date added: 2023-01-15
tags: literature hypertext art scifi

The (Online) Medieval and Classical Literature Library (OMACL)
A collection of some of the most important literary works of Classical and Medieval civilization. Developed by Douglas B. Killings and once upon a time hosted on the Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE. Now maintained by Roy Tennant.
date added: 2022-09-17
tags: literature classics sunsite

Colossal Cave Adventure Page
All about the OG text adventure game. History, source code, and everything you ever wanted to know about the magic word XYZZY.
date added: 2022-08-23
tags: literature art software games

The Interactive Fiction Archive
"Since 1992, the Archive has collected thousands of text adventures, text adventure development tools, articles, essays, hint files, walkthroughs, jokes, and sly references to Greek politics."
date added: 2022-05-06
tags: writing art literature software games

Beyond Cyberpunk!
"The Web version of the 1991 HyperCard classic." A primer for the cyberpunk wannabe.
date added: 2022-05-04
tags: writing literature cyberpunk

The Electronic Labyrinth
When hypertext was a cool new literary medium (1993 or thereabouts)
date added: 2022-04-15
tags: literature art writing hypertext