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jdd's List o' Links

A curated list of web sites of the old-school: mostly non-commercial and all hand-made, survivals of the Web As It Once Was. And sites that preserve the spirit of it.

The ten most recent additions are available in a handy RSS format!

2 sites tagged with puritytest. [Show all sites]

A few dozen text files containing corny old jokes, puns and other humourous writings. Apparently a direct-to-HTML copy of a directory on a DEC VAX. Files date from the mid-70s through 1990 or thereabouts.
date added: 2022-08-16
tags: humour puritytest

The Armory's web space
The Armory is (was?) a geek house in Santa Cruz. This is their webserver. It's been around since 1994 so there are many dead links. But hey, it's still running ... On SCO UNIX it says ... can that still be true? Maintained by John DuBois.
date added: 2022-06-25
tags: oldserver puritytest homepages